
To take part in the, you will need a registration.

Entry is entirely FREE and there will never be any costs (beyond your data provider's usual tariffs).

Simply supply your e-mail address below and you'll be sent an e-mail asking you to confirm.

We need your e-mail address now to confirm you exist, but it will never be used for anything you don't choose to opt into (such as prediction reminders, the results mailout or reset email for forgotten passwords). Your e-mail address will NOT be displayed to other site users.

For extra privacy, it will be possible when registering to choose instead any login phrase which is not an e-mail address (though of course you will not be able to receive e-mails!).

Regardless, no personal information you supply will ever be passed on or used for anything other than playing this game.

This site uses 'persistent' or 'session' cookies, purely to verify you. See below for more information.

First, the disclaimer. The site has a Privacy Policy and Terms of Use (which you can see at any time on the privacy page, and for convenience is shown below). In registering you confirm that you have read and understood it, and accept its terms. Please tick the box below if so.
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use: is committed to privacy, and will NEVER share your personal information with third parties. However, with the best will in the world, websites can be hacked and homes burgled, and as this is a personal 'hobby' site and not for profit, it is a condition of use that you take steps not to store sensitive information beyond what is described below, that you have read, understood and accept the information here, and that you agree that you use this site at your own risk. I do not accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising.

The site stores these items of your personal information:

• Your predictor name is what is displayed on the league tables, prediction results and so on. There is absolutely no need for you to use your real name, or anything which can be used to identify you. If you are unhappy with your predictor name, simply change it at the 'Account Settings' page.

• Your e-mail address is stored for the following purposes; to check you are a real person when you register in the first place, to allow you a means of receiving the optional e-mailed results and/or reminders (if you choose to do so), and finally to allow you to receive a password reset e-mail in the event that you forget your password. Your e-mail address is never visible to other site users. If you wish this site NOT to store your e-mail address, go to the '
Account Preferences' page and delete it (but note that you may then need to set up a valid 'login' phrase in order to log you into the site).

• The
Message Board and Predmail can in principle be used by any user to post any kind of information (though it may be deleted if unacceptable in content). You are advised not to post personal information there, and are responsible for the consequences if you do - use the feedback form if you want any posts, for whatever reason, taken down.

The information is stored in the following way:

• In files on my personal server, plus a small number of backups on removable media in case of hardware-failure-related data loss. These are never given to third parties.

Justification for storing data and criteria for deletion:

• It is not possible to operate the website without the use of personal identification of the type described here, but it will be removed on request. When a user does not interact with the site (logging in or predicting) for more than three years, their e-mail address will be deleted. Names will be anonymised on request.


An 'HTTP cookie', or simply 'cookie' is a piece of information stored on your browser which a website (only the website which wrote them in the first place) can read. These are used on this site to identify you, so that you do not have to log in repeatedly, and so that you can receive personalised functionality. They are NEVER used to track your habits or to discover any information about you beyond verifying your identity.

The cookies used here are named:

• 'id': this stores a string in the form of a number, then a dash, then a thirty-digit alphanumeric string. The number is to identify which account you are logged into (i.e. which account to verify you against), and the thirty-character string is a random 'token' generated when you originally log in. If your cookie is the same as the token stored on the server associated with your account, the site knows you are who you claim to be. A randomised token is used because anyone using your device can read your cookies, and though knowing the token may give them access to your prediction account, they will NOT know your login or password.

• '#subdomain#': This cookie tells the server which predictor account is using the site ( accounts are sometimes associated with more than one predictor, e.g. families with a shared e-mail address).

If, when you log in, you tick the box labelled "Keep me logged in", these cookies are set to be 'persistent', i.e. to stay on your device even after shutting down so that you don't need to log in again. If you do NOT tick the box, the cookies are set as 'session' cookies; information is deleted when your browser session closes. The former approach is more convenient, the latter more secure.

For more information on HTTP cookies, see Wikipedia.

To contact the webmaster with issues or concerns:

Use the 'Contact' form (linked on the lower left). I aim to address all issues promptly, whether grave or trivial.


This prediction league is for fun only. Those not having it will be banned. And probably shot.
I agree to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use

All OK? Let's get registered!

Your e-mail address:
Choose a password:
Confirm password:
IMPORTANT! Please don't choose a password that you use for important stuff like banking or e-mail.
It's only a game!
Finally, to help me avoid nuisance registration attempts from bots,
please type these five digits → 8618470197464348406609823874848991491874326470555268505843282434213398558567907579584226238561573041 into this box →